Monday, May 22, 2006

17 years ago, about an hour ago

My son was born...and yup. you guessed it! That makes me 24 LOL. He was 3 weeks early and very anxious to arrive...the doc was examining me and was pulling his gloves off and said it would be probably another hour and I said very calmly...PUT those gloves back on...he said "what" and I said he is coming NOW and sure enough I was right. They didnt have time to get the forceps or anything and my ex had gone out for coffee and barely made it back to see him. BUT we could all hear him...Kornfan screamed pretty non stop for the first 6 months of his life. I am not talking whining or cranky I am talking fists clenched red faced HOWLING. We still have no idea what that was all about since he is a pretty laid back person. But I knew I was blessed, I lost 3 babies to miscarriages before my daughter was born so every pregnancy I was pins and needles, I KNEW things could go so wrong. However, I had some bad thoughts, thoughts of dropping him off somewhere just so I could get some QUIET. We nicknamed him Fussy Britches, hehe he would DIE if he knew I posted that. SHHH its our secret.

Happy 17 Kornfan!



Blogger Spider Walk said...

Happy Birthday Fussy Britches!!

I love how you and Sherry manage to stay 24 with each passing year. Gonna let me in on your secret??

7:50 AM  
Blogger Big Pissy said...

AWWWWWWWWWW....Happy Birthday to your baby! :)

11:09 AM  
Blogger Me said...

awww....cute post!

9:46 PM  
Blogger Josh said...

Fussy britches. LMAO!!!

That is classic.

12:15 AM  
Blogger L said...

Happy Birthday!

I am with Spidrwalk I want to know the secret too.

3:11 PM  
Blogger Tenacious T said...

Yah! Happy B'day! Reminds me of a Sex and the City I watched last night when Miranda couldn't get Brady to quit crying and Samantha ended up soothing him by sticking her new vibrator in the crib with him!

5:38 PM  
Blogger Linda said...

Happy Belated Birthday to fussy britches. This is freaky but in a good way. Your son's birthday was Monday, my son's was yesterday and Ms.l's is tomorrow. :)

2:44 PM  

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