Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Friends!! I dont have many friends, I dont let myself to get close to many people. I have been hurt by so called friends...and if you really want to lose friends just go through a divorce and see how many friends you had that were really his friends, not yours. I dont want to be bitter and alone but I really have a hard time keeping friends. I know this is my own fault, I think back on things I did and know I should have done things differently. But I have several good ones right now and of course my Hubby is my best friend. This picture was me and my friends at Jeykll Island this year. I look horrible, I was so tired that night and crabby and ill tempered and I am lucky I didnt lose friends because I was so Foul (another F word) that night.


Blogger L said...

I am the same way on the friends dept.

8:49 PM  
Blogger Josh said...

You have us too!

9:31 PM  

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