Christmas movies and me
after a huge grocery shopping expedition, ( we hadn't gone at all since thanksgiving) I settled into my recliner with 2 dogs in my lap and watched Christmas movies all day long. The hallmark Channel had some on all day. Now, I admit I am a bit a bah humbug at Christmas, and this Christmas will be really a sad one for me, but I love me some sappy sentimental Christmas movies! I watched Unlikely Angel with Dolly Partan, Angel in the family with Meredith Baxter Berney and I cant remember the name of the last one but it had Mary Steenburgen and it had an Angel in it too! Am I tired of sappy Christmas movies?? Nope! I love em! I plan on watching more tomorrow :)
My favorite Christmas show is the original animated Grinch who stole Christmas. I really want that Grinch song as my ringtone but Verizon doesn't have it. I tried to record it on my phone but it came out all garbled.
I only really got sad once today. There was a long line at the post office and we were all crammed into a small space (small town living ) and there was an old man that kept telling jokes in the line. He reminded me so much of dad, although I am sure this guy was older.
Anyway, whets your favorite Christmas movie/show?
My favorite christmas movies are:
It's a Wonderful Life
Miracle on 34th Street
Christmas Story
Charlie Brown Christmas
How the Grinch Stole Christmas
Christmas makes me feel all warm and fuzzy. Hope you're doing okay considering.
My all time favorite Christmas movies are:
National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation
A Christmas Story
and of course...
The ORIGINAL How the Grinch Stole Christmas
Glad most of your day was filled with good movies and relaxation!
Hate hate hate the Home Alone movies!! What mother in the world would forget their son and THEN doesn't get SOMEBODY..ANYBODY to get him?? Friends, neighbors, relations, Neverland ranch owners...??
(although if Mackulay F'kin Culkin was my son...I'd loose him!!)
They suck big time. I'm with the crooks in those films... "get that little bastard!"
ok, its a movie...but it SH*TS me off
P.S. Actually, I'd sell him to gypsies.
**** breathe in
**** breathe out
**** breathe in
sorry, must've blacked out or something?
Did I say anything bad while I was in a temporal rage?
The one I simply have to see every year is A Christmas Story, but I'm also a sucker for that Muppet Christmas Carol
Scaret, you are cracking me up!! I hate those movies too!
Reel, I had forgotten about the muppet christmas carol!
Blazer and Teri, I love all those too. I watched white Christmas last week.
National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation
The ONLY movie I have to watch each season.
I own National Lampoon's Christmas and the Grinch too, but I'm really rather fond of the Nightmare Before Christmas too.
classic rudolph
a christmas story
the old black & white version
of a christmas carol..
BotB vote!
I love the Grinch (animation), the Christmas Story, Charlie Brown Christmas, Miracle on 34th Street, and I'll admit it - I like some of the sappy movies on the Hallmark channel.
I also like the Grinch movie! My plan while I am on leave is to watch as many movies as I can!!!!
I am thinking of you through this time and with regards to your post down below - it is ok to cry - you are still going to have a lot of mixed feelings for awhile!!!!!
A Christmas Story is my favorite followed by Christmas Vacation , and then Elf.
A Christmas Story is my favorite followed by Christmas Vacation , and then Elf.
A Christmas Story is my favorite followed by Christmas Vacation , and then Elf.
A Christmas Story is my favorite followed by Christmas Vacation , and then Elf.I watched a movie over the weekeknd about a little girl who wishes for a mommy for the holidays and Everybody Loves Raymond's mom was some kind of witch or fairy or something and turned a mannekin into a real woman and well you can figure out the rest. It was made in like 1990. The clothes were a hoot and the hair too!
A Christmas Story is my favorite followed by Christmas Vacation , and then Elf.I watched a movie over the weekeknd about a little girl who wishes for a mommy for the holidays and Everybody Loves Raymond's mom was some kind of witch or fairy or something and turned a mannekin into a real woman and well you can figure out the rest. It was made in like 1990. The clothes were a hoot and the hair too!
I like It's a Wonderful Life, the older Charlie Brown Christmas Special, and Christmas Vacation myself.
Oh, and I call Die Hard a Christmas movie too, since it was a Christmas office party. HAHAHA!
Poddy, I saw that movie too, with Olivia Newton John? I just love her! That movie was strange though and that kid was a brat LOL.
Another good made for TV movie is a Diva's christmas Carol with Vanessa Williams, It was made by VH1 a few years ago.
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