I cant comment today!
I dunno what is going on but blogger wont accept me as me. I am me, I know it, I mean I was me when I went to bed last night. If I am not me does that mean I don't have to go to work today?? If I am not me does it mean I don't have to pay my bills this month? hmmm. Maybe blogger is on to something here!
They didn't have to do anything after all to my mom, they got in there and everything looked great. The woman is a healthy as a horse, a 73 year old horse that wont eat. The docs want her to gain weight, but she just doesn't eat right and it will be worse now with dad not there.
Had a long talk with my brother last night, he is handling the finances and getting everything straight but my uncle is executor of dads will and we need some help with figuring out things. They had no savings and lots of debt so its not looking great right now. My brother asked me about moving there and I told him hubby cant take a $4 an hour pay cut to move where the cost of living is higher. He said we would move in with mom, I don't think that would work at all!! I said she is too unsteady on her feet to be around my dogs and he said oh you would have to get rid of your dogs!! GET RID OF MY DOGS??????????????? What like they are garbage that can be thrown out?? That really bothered me he said that, and I didn't say anything to him but I would never get rid of my dogs. If something happened to hubby I might have to but just to move? I used to rescue dogs and all of my dogs are rescued, I would take away the only home they have ever known? I don't think some people understand that the dogs are my family too. Obviously my brother doesn't, and he has 3 cats!
I agree with you. My dogs are my children, no ifs ands or buts about it.
P.S. I have that comic strip :)
If it that easy to pick up your life and move then why can't your brother move in with your mom?How did the energy session last night go for you?I felt great this morning when I woke up. My knees were so much better and my shoulder was not hurting at all. That is a bleesing in itself believe me!
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Ha,get rid of your dogs?? As if.
I'm with Poody,why can't he move in with Mom??
Ahhh,just the stress you need eh?
I'm really liking your theory about blogger and bills,work ect.
We should see if it works!;p
I'm so glad the docs didn't have to do anything to your Mom:)
2:36 PM
Yes, Blogger sucks. I've been having the same prob today. Hopefully this one will post.
And I agree with you...dogs ARE family. I don't blame you for being offended. i would have been too.
ME TOO MEL. I'm wondering if the other folks went "beta".
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I'm thinking that your brother is losing his mind...
I'm agreeing with Me, Poody and well just about everyone else!
Blogger was a B*stard to me the other day. For hours and F'n hours I could upload a pic BUT not press the "done" button as it suggested because... there was NO "done" button, ever!
I agree with you - our dogs are part of the family! We lost one of our puppies to a viral infection on Monday - very very sad!!!!!
First of all, after the loss of your dad, you shouldn't get rid of your dogs.
Secondly, do you really want to move in with your mom. I think your brother just wants you to be closer because he is thinking of his own mortality.
Thirdly, have you talked to your mom about this at all?
Fourthly, WHAT THE HECK? GET RID OF THE DOGS? HE DIDN'T SAY THAT!?!? I think your brother is doing a lot of dreaming right now. If you are able to visit more regularly, he probably will feel better.
Get rid of your dogs! Were you talking to him or his cat, Garfield?
anonymous was over to see Ms.L too. They need to step on off and find that money trail somewhere else before heading up my way!
Get rid of your dogs???? Is your brother insane? No way! Family is family ... and you're probably closer to your dogs than to your brother. Throw HIM out. (Sorry! haha!)
Mel, I know blogger's making your life difficult with commenting, but no, you still have to pay your bills. Or MY bills, either one. :)
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