Friday, April 28, 2006

Letting them run free.....

Ladies you know what I am talking about. or maybe its just me. I dont know but when I get home, if I am in for the night 2 things take place. The slippers slip on and the bra comes off! I hate wearing a bra, but I have to because...well face it braless middle age women are just not cool unless you are Susan Saradon or something. Anyway last night I am chilling alone...hubby was working...and then the DOORBELL rings. ACK. Thank goodness I wasnt in PJs yet but the bra was off. It was a neighbor I had not met yet dropping off her computer for Hubby to look at. Seems like he talked to her and told her I would be HOME but neglected to tell me anyone was coming over!!!! GRRRRR. Thank goodness her Husband stayed in the car, it was bad enough me standing there with my arms crossed trying to hide my braless state from her. I would have really freaked if it had been a strange man. Anyway, when Hubby got home from work I explained to him VERY calmly to call me when someone is coming over. OK...maybe I wasnt too calm. But he got the point.



Blogger Josh said...

That’s why I don’t answer the door unless they have called to tell me they are coming. Haahahah

Have a good weekend.

9:07 PM  
Blogger keeks said...

Hehehehe. My cousin, when she was about 4, used to call bras "wife keepers"... no idea where that came from lol.

9:21 PM  
Blogger Big Pissy said...

Oh yeah! The bra is off every chance I get!

Hate those things!!!

10:25 PM  
Blogger L said...

I only wear one when I have too.
Who says we have to wear one anyway.

11:06 PM  
Blogger Weary Hag said...

I hear you loud and clear on this topic! And I agree with Liz (above) who doesn't answer the door unless she's expecting someone. My only exception to that rule is if I look out and see the big brown delivery truck, then I'll grab a dishtowel and hold up a plate like I was drying it. Great coverup. haha

I do hate the pop-in though. In this day and age with cell phones, there's no excuse not to call before hand.

6:34 AM  
Blogger Spider Walk said...

I am the same way. First the bra comes off, and usually soon after if I am in for the night the jammies are on.

My son calls bras "boobie strips" Must be because I am so flat chested..lmao!!

7:35 AM  
Blogger kimber said...

I just never answer my door, unless I know someone's coming. :) Braless and antisocial, that's me!

6:50 PM  
Blogger Me said...

Oh yeah, I hear ya. But I usually have to assess the situation. Am I going to be out in the yard? Doing any sort of housework? Wearing just a t-shirt? Etc. All things girls have to think about. No wonder we're moody!

11:21 PM  
Blogger Dinah said...

My three years in a university dorm have loosened (no pun intended?) how I feel about people seeing me bra-less...I'm not always willing to sacrifice my comfort for other people's. Not that I'm flaunty about it, I just do my thing and they do theirs.

2:39 PM  
Blogger blackcrag said...

Well, to give a guys perspective to this estrogen-fest, I'm all for women not wearing bras!

Once upon a time, women were forced by fashion to wear corsets. That has since fallen by the wayside, and is, I believe, covered under the Nuremburgs trials as 'Cruel and Unusual Punishment'.

I think it is high time women freed themselves from the patriarchial domination of the bra!

Let the bra-burning commence! Let Freedom reign! Or swing, as the case may be...

4:47 PM  
Blogger dixiedarling said...

Don't you just hate when that happens!! I have so been there...

2:23 PM  

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