This is my Gardenia Bush now....
This bush is HUGE. Its taller than most people. I dont know if you can tell just how big it is. I was reading up on it, and all the sites say that growing a gardenia is difficult and requires special soil, fertization and temperatures. HA!!!! The Canadian HATES this bush and has done his best to kill it...he has cut it to the ground but it comes back with a vengence. We do nothing special and yet it gows to a massive size. 2 separate ice Storms have broken it in half completely and still it thrives. I just LOVE when it blooms. it smells so wonderful, you can smell it from quite a ways down the street. The reason Hubby hate it is the smell. he says it smells like funerals. One thing I hate is it attracts bugs like crazy, in particular a small thing called a whitefly. There are millions of those things when it blooms. I read they can kill the host plant but not ours. Ours is Superunkillable plant! I will post pictures of it in full bloom, mine doesnt usually bloom until June.
Just a note.... this bush was here when we bought the house and according to our old neighbor, Miss Georgia, her sister planted it in the 1950s when the house was new. So its older than me, (well of course since I am only 24) I think its a tough old lady.
I am having shrub envy. Mine does not look any where near as healthy. It does have those wierd little white flies. i love the smell of those pretty flowers.
Wow... that is one hearty gardenia!
A very hearty gardenia. I left you comment on your son's birthday post. :)
That is gorgeous!
Nothing I have even comes close that beauty!
I love, love, love gardenias! They were my first choice for my wedding bouquet but my florist told me they bruised easily. But whenever I buy a candle, I always get gardenia. Love the smell! Please show us pics when it blooms!
Wow! That's some bush!
Gardenias remind me of a man that worked for the organization I student assisted with in college. His name was Fernando and he kept plants in the windowed hallway by his office. One day he had brought in some gardenias from home and had them flotaing in a bowl. He said a hotel in Mexico where he was from used to keep them floating in the pool. I always thought that would be such a pretty picture.
cooool bush!! i love them toooo :)
I neeed an unkillable bush.
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