What me worry?
My mom is a constant worrier. She worries about small stuff, big stuff, anything at all. She worries about stuff that has not happened yet. Its a wonder the woman doesn't have an ulcer or something! Growing up with her (she has always been that way) has made me an unworrier. I don't worry about stuff that much. It used to drive my ex husband crazy that I wouldn't worry about bills. Whats the point? Maybe if I was close to being homeless I would worry about bills more. I owe so much money to the hospital and various docs I would be sick if I thought about it all the time. I don't resent owing this money, they saved my life more than once and I appreciate that. I am not like my mom. She worries about EVERYTHING. Case in point....she had an appointment with the social security office yesterday at 2:00. She lost the letter they sent her (she loses stuff too) and worried all day yesterday she was missing the appointment until my brother came to drive her. I talked to my brother last night and he said he doesn't worry about stuff either.
I don't know where I am going with this post, except just trying to understand why I don't worry. Its because I saw my mom making herself sick over stupid stuff growing up. Its not making any sense but I am posting it anyway and I wont worry about it.
you have a very healthy attitude by not worrying. It is so stressful and does horrible things to yur body and mind...I know...I tend to worry a little too much.
Good for you!
I adore that you don't worry!
My mother was a manic worrier and I go back and forth from not worrying at all to teetering on the edge of a panic attack,ugh.
You are so smart! What's your secrect? Does it come naturally??
Im a total worrier. I cant help it. I will find something to worry about. Thankfully I have surrounded myself with calm people who dont freak out so they can talk me down if necessary.
Don't worry, be Happy!
It is great that you can be so serene about everything! Kudos!
It sounds as if your Mum worries enough for all of you anyway :-)
I come from two parents who WORRY.
And so it was fairly natural that I became a worrier too. For years, and even through my early grownup years.
But somewhere along the way I worried less and less. I'm rather glad of it. Much healthier not to. :)
I used to worry all the time. Then I turned to drugs and now I don't worry as much.
She sounds like me ... and it's not something I'm saying because I'm proud of being such a worrywart. I'm worried about being such a worrywart. Yeah, it's a vicious circle.
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