Saturday, January 21, 2006

My Kids....

I am so sick of being a downer lately! Hopefully things will look up soon here. But in the meantime I decided to stop being morose and think about good things. My kids are awesome. They ripped my heart out several times and stomped on it, but I guess all kids do that..I am sure my mom would have a list of times I did that to her. But all in all my kids are the best and I don't say it enough but I am damn proud of them! My daughter is 18 now and very level headed. I havent been called in the middle of night because she was picked up by the cops or drunk or god knows what she is exposed to. I know what I was exposed to and I am not stupid to think my kids dont face challanges like that every day. My 16 yr old son will fool you, he has sure fooled me. I never thought he would be atheletic and here is a gold medal and scholarship winner in Grappling. And he can play the guitar by ear, and play it well. I couldnt even play paino after years of lessons and I had all my hearing (he has lost some hearing due to ear infections and lots of surgeries). My kids dont live with me anymore and I miss them every day. (thats where the ripped out heart came in) but they have their own lives they are doing a pretty good job. They are not straight A students and niether one will go to an Ivy league school but that never mattered to me. They make me proud every day.

OK enough of that!!! I am faced with so much laundry today. I didnt catch on the laundry last weekend and it sure seems like there is more laundry than possible for 2 people to create! So today is laundry day. wooohoo. Feel my enthusiam...



Blogger nicki said...

that is a whole lot of medals!! good for him!! i wish i could play the guitar! i can only pretend..hahaha

7:14 PM  
Blogger Spider Walk said...

You have every reason to be proud Mel! Your kids sound wonderful, adjusted, intelligent and grounded. Your sons picture is a real tribute to his accomplishments. He couldn't have/wouldn't have done it without you being solid and sturdy by his side.

I know it's easy to get caught up in the dumps...good for you for choosing to look to the bright side and truly seeing what wonderful kids you have.


1:02 AM  
Blogger Mel said...

Sherry honey I cant think of anything I have done different than other parents. I was strict on who they hung around with (Had to meet the parents, ect) and was strict on making them do chores. But if I really did things right they would be with me right now and not with their dad.

12:36 PM  
Blogger Lynda said...

Aw, Mel. I don't think you did anything wrong.

Your kids sound wonderful.

11:36 AM  

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