Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Spider in the silverwear drawer!!!

I was putting away the clean dishes this morning, and there was a spider in the silverwear drawer. Not a tiny spider but not a huge one either. I tried to kill it twice and it eluded me. Now its in there and I am filled with gut wrenching fear. Really this is ridiculous to be so afraid of something like spiders. But I will ask Hubby to put the silverwear away today and never reach my hand into that drawer without looking again.



Blogger Linda said...

We had one on the ceiling last night and I made hubby kill it. I am terrified of them now since getting bit. I think they are all out to bite me. I can see them watching me waiting for the perfect moment to bite. Ok I got to stop cause I am freakin myself out here. The only spider I luv is Spider Walk. :)

10:21 AM  
Blogger Mz.Elle said...

You'd hate my house,we have spiders everywhere. They love my kitchen for some reason,we see one at least every day
I don't mind them,they are pretty cute,lol
I'm sorry it gave you a scare!

4:26 PM  
Blogger Gary said...

I think I must be running a spider hotel. They really love it here.

5:08 PM  
Blogger nicki said...

eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep!!! spiders scare me tooooooo.

6:49 PM  
Blogger Josh said...


Why did you have to tell us. Now I'll fear my drawr. I'm still recovering from the one in the shoe. Maybe you have bad Spider Karma too. i got it from making fun of somene that feared a fake spider. I'm still getting accosted by them.

9:14 PM  
Blogger keeks said...

Eeeek, I'm not a fan of the creepy crawlys either... we had roaches at the apartment we used to live in!

1:00 AM  
Blogger Zambo said...

Hey Mel.

I've missed a few posts!

We watch a lot of the same shows...I have to try to fit them all in when they overlap...

G. Gordon Liddy was amazed (disgusted) at how preposterous "24" is...but it's just so addictive!!!
I've been watching that show "The Unit" on Tuesdays too...It's about special forces guys and their wives...President Palmer from "24" is the team leader...Jennifer Garner's ex-husband is on there too...It's like a combo of "24" and "Desperate Housewives"...Robert Patrick's in it too...The mission stuff is pretty cool...

Anyway, I hope you're doing well.

Talk to you soon!

Your Pal,


I know of a couple who split up because the guy had a sexy dream about a gal he worked with...(She was so uncomfortable because he told everyone)...and the guy's wife hated her because of his dream...Weird, huh?

2:03 PM  
Blogger Tenacious T said...

Yowsa! I don't like reaching in places and finding surprises either. I always check my shoes and under my sheets at night.

2:48 PM  
Blogger Spider Walk said...

You're all just a bunch of Spider haters....WAAAAAAAA :(

9:23 AM  
Blogger dixiedarling said...

I hate spiders too! Especially right now in the spring with all the little ones. I can be sitting on the porch and feel one and just about die....

3:35 PM  
Blogger Mel said...

AWW Spider walk I love you!! You dont creep me out at all, but honey I cant help it, they scare me bad. I mean so bad I cant think or breath a total panic attack. I am not scared of anything else like that

6:26 PM  

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