Saturday, November 03, 2007

This video has 2 of my favorite artists, Tom Petty and Johnny Depp. I always forget how much I like Tom Petty but I watched a 3 hour documentary today about him on the Sundance Channel. I could have watched more!



Blogger buffalodick said...

Tom Petty is in my CD pile too! I always thought if Neil Young and Bob Dylan had a love child, it would be Tom Petty!

7:23 AM  
Blogger Cupcake Blonde said...

Tom Petty's videos always creep me the hell out, sorry. Except for "Las Dance With Mary Jane," I don't mind that one. The Alice in WOnderland one freaks me out big time, but that could be because Alice in Wonderland freaks me out any way. I do like Johnny Depp though.

9:52 PM  
Blogger Mel said...

Vegas, I LOVE the Alice and wonderland one!! LOL It is kinda creepy when they eat her like she is a cake. BUT Last dance with Mary Jane is about a corpse, I thinks thats creepy!

Buffalo, if you are a real fan that documentary is going on sale soon or it may be already.

11:23 PM  

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