Friday, April 07, 2006

Dont leave me Katie!!

I am not a big fan of change. Yeah yeah I know change is good, but I like being stuck in a rut. I like to be able to count on some things...and one thing I count on is Katie Couric in the mornings!!!!! OK so I dont have time to watch her, I just listen to the Today show while I am getting ready for work. This has been my routine for 15 years now. I love Katie, I love Matt and Al. I like them all together! wahhh... now what will I do? I never am able to watch the View because of working so I dont even know who this new lady is! I have to get used to her. I hope she has 15 years before she leaves.
I know this is a good move for Katie, she gets to sleep normal hours and who knows maybe I will watch the news with her on it. But I hate this change. Howard Stern says CBS is gonna end up screwing her over...I dont know about that..I hope not cuz I like Katie, she seems so genuine.

In other entertainment news, Eminem is divorcing again after remarrying his high school sweetie. I knew that was a disaster, that marrying the same person twice pretty much never works out. Look and Liz Taylor and Richard Burton, and Melanie Griffith and Don Johnson. Its so sad though, I hate seeing another divorce.

In local news, my house is a wreck. Its hard to clean with ongoing painting and carpentry going on. Hubby has been working on the kitchen cabinets...he went through a long period where he wasnt sure what he wanted to do so I had no cabinet doors. That was kinda nice LOL. Messy but easy access. Inspiration has hit him though and now he is a man on a mission. Pictures later when I can get my wireless connection back.



Blogger L said...

Have a wonderful weekend Mel.

10:57 PM  
Blogger Josh said...

I love Matt but not a big fan of Katie. You must think I am awful. She just seems sort of fake or snoty sometimes. She's big amoung gay men. My favorite is when the dress up for halloween. Al and Matt are awesome. Have a good weekend!

11:08 PM  
Blogger Jim Cooper said...

The only thing sad about Katie leaving the Today show is that she's not taking that phoney, empty-headed nimrod with her. And I don't mean Al Roker....

12:43 PM  
Blogger Jim Cooper said...

Sorry...I'm not awake yet...and the Today show isn't a favorite of mine...don't mean to spew venom on new friends!!!!!

12:44 PM  
Blogger keeks said...

Maybe Eminem did it so he could write some more songs about hating his wife...again...

7:54 PM  
Blogger Spider Walk said...

I like Katie too. Her smile always brightened up my morning.

As to Eminem...I am not surprised. I don't know why she would have remarried him either. The man made millions for a song he wrote about killing her...lmao!

*Shakes head*

10:40 PM  
Blogger Zambo said...

Hi Mel.

Stern is rather upset with CBS because he has brought in so much revenue for them over the years...and they basically repaid him by suing him for an alleged misuse of their airwaves to promote his new venture, thereby allegedly earning more money for himself...Meanwhile, he abided by their terms of how he could promote his move to satellite and the very hypocrite (Les Moonves) responsible for the frivolous lawsuit was on one of Stern's final shows on terrestrial radio for CBS, discussing how he has subscribed to SIRIUS radio and how he will continue listening to Stern...

If they did this to him, they could do it to anyone...Say what you will about Howard Stern, but he is nothing if not genuine...a very honest fellow, (though his on-air persona is a bit more open than his real-life demeanour)...

Sorry for the rant-like comment...

Your Pal,


2:25 AM  

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