Thursday, September 04, 2008

I really didnt mean to go this long without posting again. Geez where does the time go??

I feel better about things I guess. I have alot to be grateful for so i am concentrating on those rather than the bad stuff :) And I have more friends in blogland than i have in real life!! Thats cool...thanks guys for all your encouragement!!! you are the best!

I dont have much to say. is actually wearing her hearing aids, she calls them her ears! Yet last night on the phone she still said "huh" a bunch of times, old habits die hard I guess. She hates not being to drive and get her own groceries. I dont blame her there.

One of my greyhounds is having these dizzy episodes, she's had them for a couple of years but right now she is having one and its been going on for almost a week. I hate seeing her like this!! She might have been a bit better last night but today she is not looking so great. She's 10 now so i worry about every little thing. I posted a cute pic of her, need to take some new ones.

I did get that coffee maker, i ordered it for my birthday :) It is as awesome as i thought. My birthday isnt until next week but i am using it now lol.

I will take some pics of my beading and post them soon. Dont expect too much i am a beginner, there is so much to learn!! I need to post pics of my haircut too as soon as I find a good one.



Blogger Me said...

Glad to see you back....greyt picture!

8:15 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

You got that coffee maker you wanted? Is it the same as the picture you posted? YEA!!!! I hope you LOVE LOVE LOVE it!

Poor doggy. It's sad when they get old. When my Diamond Doggy (or D D) started getting sick, I kinda ignored it cause it was just a little cough now and then. I feel SO guilty now that she died. She had an enlarged heart and it cause fluid to build up in her lungs.

She was 11 and I sill miss that dog so very much. She was my animal soul mate, if that's possible.

10:29 AM  
Blogger Mz.Elle said...

LOL,you naughty girl;p Using your
pressie before your birthday! Hee hee OK,I'm teasing! i agree,why wait!??? I try and open my Chistmas pressies early too but no one lets me:(

1:12 PM  
Blogger Cupcake Blonde said...

Could your puppy have an earache? I know they can cause dizzy spells. My cat had a lot and would walk around like he was drunk. I had to get drops for his ears. I hope she gets better!

11:46 PM  

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