Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Time change is not for the faint of heart...

Yes the time changed Sunday, and its really kicking my butt! I don't understand why it effects me so much it always does. The days are supposed to be getting shorter but both Monday and Tuesday I thought the work day would NEVER end!! And my eating on schedule is messed up. Last night I was too tired to eat and I ended up sending my blood sugar way down, NOT good. And I know you bloggers that have little children are being effected, but my dogs do not understand at all!! They have an internal alarm when its dinnertime, so they want to eat early and they are pretty obnoxious about it too.

I hope I get used to this time change soon!



Blogger Fantastagirl said...

You need to eat sweetie! You can't skip meals when you are diabetic - you are going to make me come over there and make sure you do eat on time...(my co-worker is diabetic - we make sure she takes her blood sugar, and eats appropriate snacks when necessary - so I know a little about this.... and I'm a mom, so I know how to nag.)

9:51 PM  
Blogger Cupcake Blonde said...

Maybe that is why my cats are waking me up at odd hours, becuase it is getting lighter sooner.

11:51 PM  
Blogger buffalodick said...

The time change in the fall is bad, but the one in the spring where they take back 1 hour kills me! I wish they would leave it one way all year...

5:57 AM  
Blogger Me said...

My dogs are driving me crazy at dinnertime!!!!

8:24 AM  
Blogger poody said...

I hear ya sis! I am hating the whole time change too!Dooley and the big girls are ready to go out by 6am every morning and my alarm doesn't go off till 6:30am! Hello! Plus I myself want to be in bed by 8oclock! What an old lady! Ok here is my scold to you! You can NEVER,EVER skip a meal! This is so important I will say it again NEVER EVER skip a meal! I am with buffalo dickdy I too am more unhinged by the change in time in the spring! I hate giving up anything especially time!

12:07 PM  
Blogger Mel said...

Fantasta - My hubby usually nags me but he was at work :)

Vegas - I am sure it effects cats too!

Buffalo - Oh yeah Spring forward is worse on me but they both effect me. More as I have gotten older.

Me - Greyhounds are so routine and schedule oriented arent they? They still havent gotten used to it yet.

Poody - I KNOW!!! LOL I wont do that again. I was too tired to cook and ended up making something quick but It was yucky and I just didnt want it. I have learned, when I am that tired to stop and pick something up on the way home.

1:19 PM  
Blogger Mz.Elle said...

Same here..I think you and I are just more in tune with the Earth;p

3:20 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hate daylight savings time. Whoever came up with the idea for daylight savings time better not let me find out who they are. I can't say what might happen, but there would be consequences for sure.

3:41 PM  
Blogger Jose said...

That's why I love Arizona, we leave the time the same year round. I hope they don't spoil a good thing by trying to impose a time change on us.

3:54 PM  
Blogger JQ said...

I know that the time change threw Pixie, G-man and myself off for a little bit. I still haven't set my alarm back an hour. But at least I am on time to work now!

7:46 AM  

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